Sunday, January 9, 2011
My final spur to a New Chapter!
Third Year Electrical Engineering Results:
EEE3017W..........Digital Electronics-----------------------------65%
EEE3055F...........Electromagnetic Engineering---------------69%
EEE3057S...........Power Engineering----------------------------52%
EEE3068F...........Electronic Circuits---------------------------- 54%
EEE3069W..........Control Engineering---------------------------65%
EEE3073S............Professional Communication--------------70%
EEE3083F...........Comms & Network Design I----------------63%
EEE3085S...........Comms & Network Design II---------------69%
EEE3086F...........Signals & Systems II--------------------------57%
MEC2026S..........Project Management--------------------------57%
Although the results aren't impressive, but real glad that I got through it all... I'm going to strive for is graduation with honours... it will be a tough goal but will try.
The criteria for honours is 65% weighted average for the entire 4 years of studies... and I'm sitting on 60%. Haha~ this implies that the condition for me is attaining an average of 69% for ALL my 4th year courses.
It really does weigh me down abit, but it is not impossible! I've seen some folks did it... it is really something.
This is my typical exam study desk! Laptop, water, watch, phone, calculator...etc.
Zoom out abit and you'll see my used bowl and stockpile of juicy fruits on the right , laundry on the left!
I suppose one of the most exciting highlights of 4th year Electrical Engineering - aside from graduation - is the specialisation we get to choose.
There are quite a few specialisations but classified into 2 main branches - Heavy Current & Light Current.
Heavy Current deals with utilisation of electricity at a larger scale, examples are electricity generation(coal, nuclear...etc.); transmission and distribution through substations.
Light Current deals more with application of electricity, examples are electronics; housing electric wiring; power electronics; Control and instrumentations.
Ever since the day I decide to take up Electrical Engineering instead of Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Power Engineering have always been my sole motivation to continue this path.
Yet as time goes by, I learnt more and more about the different routes of Electrical Engineering, the different industry in modern energy era - esp. in South Africa. I soon start to have waivering thoughts about Nuclear.
My direction started to focus on Heavy Current's other available options, such as Generation, Transmission and Distribution.
On Christmas, we decide to visit Storms river mouth!
Some sort of seabird, with hook-like beak for predatory nature and webbed feet for swimming. KA-CHUA! really big one... with all the water droplets on it's back... must be a really cold night because it just stayed there resting. A cheerful pic :)
Despite it's dreamy look... this place is a harsh environment.
Pretty wild flowers.
  Dassie!Eskom is the sole producer, distributor of electricity for South Africa. It is my ideal, top-choice company... and probably the only reason why I chose to do Electrical Engineering in the first place.
As quoted from Wikipedia : "The utility is the largest producer of electricity in Africa, is among the top seven utilities in the world in terms of generating capacity and among the top nine in terms of sales."
The problem is the company's policy of hiring only South Africans as their top priority. You can have better results or qualification than the other person, but as long as that person is a South African and you aren't , you will always lose out.
With my current results and qualification, I am very confident to obtain a bursary from Eskom and yet due to my citizenship, I've failed in my numerous attempts. Bursary will guarantee my school fees, expenses and employment by the company as soon as I graduate.
The company are generous in their pay schemes. If you are a bursar of Eskom, you are required to do vacational work every school holiday. They pay you R9000+(SG$1800) for 6 weeks of vacational work as a student.
A starting graduate engineer, the pay is around R15000-R17000 and after tax+misc., you probably get around R10000-11000(SG$2000-2500) This pay come along with many other benefits.
If I am not mistaken , every year you will be given a test and if you manage to pass it, your pay will rise by R2000(SG$400), during your third year , you will write your PE(Professional Engineer licensing test, once you pass the test- your pay will nearly double to R35000+(SG$5000-6000 after tax+misc.) and a car+ all other benefits.
The pay sounds good.
What about the job scope?
Deserted part of the trail.. I venture off-trail in a unsuccessful attempt to go round the tracks!
 Spot it?
River mouth   I like this pic, esp. the strange formation of the cliff. There is a kayaking opportunity for tourists to kayak into the Storms River! One of these days, one of these days..... A rare occasion for Dad to initiate a photoshoot of himself, it is hell to get to this place... whew.
 I was in awe when the kid literally JUMPED infront of the bird! I was like "NOOoOooOoooo!" and thankfully... the bird for some reason wasn't afraid! My turn to get a close-up on this elegant creature! My original inspiration to do Electrical Engineering was Nuclear Power. I want to be in the frontline of the energy field.
But as time goes by, and I learn more and more about the industry, I realise that there are much more other opportunities out there, and Nuclear power's future is very unclear~ thats when I decide to do Transmission and Distribution.
With Transmission and Distribution, my work will not affect a target group of the population , but a whole town, a city , even a nation. It will have an drastic impact on everyone.
And this is what "turns me on".
But then Eskom seems like the only company in this country that can fulfill my wish.
Beeeeautiful creature...
  Somehow remind me of the good old X-files logo! Just as I was about to sleep, I saw my favourite insect creeping on my lamp~~it refuses to get on my hand and it got irritated by me and start to flutter around the place showing it's discomfort! Pic of the day. Aww... when I finally get it out of my room, it stood outside the window.... YOU'RE GROUNDED! Naughty, naughty! Heck.
I want to give up my Singaporean citizenship for South African citizenship... yet everyone I spoke to, I haven't met ONE single person that supported my idea! Geez.. I really don't know what is the best choice of action to take on.
The thing is, I love Singapore because it is my place of birth and where I spent my childhood days- the most precious days - including my 3 years of NS and work.
But aint the kind of place I want to work and grow old in... it is a rat race track. Not a place to spend my one and only life. Bottom line is- I don't plan to live in Singapore - a place where a person don't want to leave once they get used to the place, yet if they went overseas~ they wouldn't want to go back to S'pore.
I love South Africa, from the moment I open my eyes to the air I breathe in. I love it here. Just the crime is flipping annoying. Thats why I am also not going to stay here for life.
My basic guideline would be...
1. Graduate 2. Find a job 3. Gain valuable experience 4. Aquire and register as a Professional Engineer 5. Pause and see where I am in life, whether I'm happy or not. 6. Move to Australia, America, China or Canada. Let's see :) How far down the list can I go! Ever since a dung beetle , rolling a dung? :D It is pretty amazing stuff!! This is the 2nd time I've been to Addo Elephant park, and the first for my parents. This is the first elephant we saw of the day, he CHASED us. -_-'''' Later I heard that he is from another game reserve called Kruger national park. He is extremely sensitive to ppl because he saw poaching and culling during his time in Kruger. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW~! When you can take the phrase " Like father, like son" as literally as you can!
 Here they cross! All the animals in the National Parks are as wild as they can get...they eat, they migrate, they hunt and get hunted~ like a textbook example of ecocycle. Everyone are just silent in the car.
When you have 4-ton beasts that kills more ppl a year than lions next to your car, you can't help but hold your breath.
 They are as gentle as we protray them to be...if you have respect for the biggest land creature on Earth. There are only +-5 lions in the entire park, and we are lucky to see them! The bad part is... the queue on the road is so long that I can't get a good shot at it if any.
A.D 1986 -
Life itself
Always glad to be alive and well. ^_^
Sickness & Death itself
It would be... meaningless. -_-'''
S pirit sings inside
P a s s i o n S p i r i ts
My Dear
Mamma Mia